Red Devil T83
Formula 440/500

Dave's PageFamily Web Page:
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flag.gif (10636 bytes)RD-side-me-s.jpg (17131 bytes)flagAZc.gif (7947 bytes)
Click on each picture for a "much" larger view
chkdflag.gif (9633 bytes)f500-v-TR3.gif (34826 bytes)chkdflag.gif (9633 bytes)

CheckerStartPassOil - CautionStopOne more Lap

RD-cockpit-S.jpg (30033 bytes)
Detail of the Cockpit
RD-nose-detail-S.jpg (26306 bytes)
Close up of the nose and brakes
RD-rake-s.jpg (25115 bytes)
RD-front-s.jpg (18973 bytes) RD-front-control-S.jpg (19556 bytes)
Right front control arms
RD-rearleft-detail-S.jpg (16170 bytes)
Rear left Detail
RD-rearleft-S.jpg (17237 bytes) RD-rearright-S.jpg (24587 bytes) Then


cone.gif (281 bytes) St. Johns Grand Prix Video
28.8 | 56k | ISDN | Cable/DSL

Track Map

cone.gif (281 bytes)
grid_small.jpg (14196 bytes) stjohn_small.jpg (16701 bytes) turn12_small.jpg (10967 bytes)
StJohnfs_small.jpg (16384 bytes) f500-pri1s.jpg (16888 bytes)
Wearing new colors -
Green & Bronze
Short Clip from Phoenix International on Oct. 7, 2000
56k | ISDN | Cable/DSL
F500PIR2-s.jpg (15174 bytes)

"Want to run for pink slips?"

Thanks Mom!

Tearing up the parking lot for practice

Driver and Pit Crew

After a hard day of Driving
2000 Dodge Viper Roadster into the T1 Wall @ PIR on 11/30/200

Photos, Video and Analysis
Ferrari 312PB Scale Model (RealVideo - Zip file, both are just over 1MB in size)
Race Weekend Setup Sheets  

More to come...

The pictures on these pages are © 1995-2003 by David W. Riddle