406mm L/45 Marks 1 - 5 & 8 Surface-Fire Artillery

    In 1911, it was proposed the Navy adopt a 406mm L/40 gun instead of the existing 356mm L/45. This was rejected by Admiral Strauss of the Bureau of Ordonance on the grounds that the existing gun was sufficently effective. However, not much later, Strauss proposed a L/45 version of the 406mm gun, which the General Board accepted, but the Secretary of the Navy, concerned about yet another increase in battleship tonnage, declined. Nevetheless, the design was completed, first test-fired in 1914, and was adopted in the new Maryland class battleships of 1916. Three ships received eight guns each, eight more were build for the unfinished Washington, and a total of eight spares were build as well. 

Year of Construction: 1911  
Bore:  406mm  
Weight of gun: 107t / 105.3tons  
Weight of barrel: ???kg / ??? lbs  
Length of gun: 18694mm / 736 ins.   
Length of bore: 18166mm / 715 ins. (45 calibers)  
Wt. of projectile: 1016 kg / 2240 lbs  
Max. Range: 32200 km / 35000 yds at 30° elevation  
Ceiling: Not AA capable  
Max. Elevation: 30°  
Rate of Fire: 2 rounds/min