Phoenix Alumni Chapter
Meets on the Second Tuesday of Every Month.
Mark Your Calenders!
2000 Luncheon Speakers
Date |
Speaker |
Jan. 11, 2000 |
Harry Mitchell - Former Mayor of Tempe
and Current State Senator |
Feb. 8, 2000 |
Ritual - New
Location |
Mar. 14, 2000 |
Keven Willey - Editorial Page Editor of
the Arizona Republic |
Apr. 11, 2000 |
May 9, 2000 |
Jun. 13, 2000 |
Jul. 11, 2000 |
Aug. 8, 2000 |
Sep. 12, 2000 |
Oct. 10, 2000 |
Nov. 14, 2000 |
Dec. 12, 2000 |
Past Luncheon Speakers |
1999 Luncheon Speakers
Jan. 12, 1999 |
Federal District Judge Earl Carroll -
Chief Judge of the US "Spy" Court |
Feb. 9, 1999 |
Bill Woestendiek - Former Editor of
the Arizona Daily Star Newspaper |
Mar. 9, 1999 |
Jan Brewer - Maricopa County Board of
Supervisors |
Apr. 13, 1999 |
Jan Bender - Sportscaster, Arizona
DiamondBacks Baseball Team |
May 11, 1999 |
Steve Wilson - Newspaper Columnist for
the Arizona Republic |
Jun. 8, 1999 |
Polly Rosenbaum - Long time serving
State Legislator |
Jul. 13, 1999 |
Marshall Christy - Report on Grand
Chapter |
Aug. 10, 1999 |
Sep. 14, 1999 |
Grady Gamage, Jr. - Speaking on City
Growth issues |
Oct. 12, 1999 |
Bob Early - Arizona Highways Editor |
Nov. 9, 1999 |
Shawn Hunter - President of the Phoenix
Coyotes Hockey Team |
Dec. 14, 1999 |
Father Carl Carlozzi - Phoenix Fire
Department Chaplian |
1998 Luncheon Speakers
Jan. 13, 1998 |
Michael Bidwell - VP Arizona Cardnials
Football Team |
Feb. 10, 1998 |
Brian Sandwich - The Westerners |
Mar. 10, 1998 |
Welcome the New Pledges from Arizona
State University |
Apr. 14, 1998 |
Judge Steven McNamee - US District
Court |
May 12, 1998 |
Bill Woestendiek - Former Editor of
the Arizona Daily Star |
Jun. 9, 1998 |
Dr. Robert Haines Iverson - President
of the Arizona Chriopractic Association |
Jul. 14, 1998 |
Dick Van Arsdale
Phoenix Suns NBA Basketball Team |
Aug. 11, 1998 |
Sep. 8, 1998 |
Jeff Groscost
Speaker of the House
Arizona House of Representatives |
Oct. 13, 1998 |
Cody Williams
Phoenix City Council |
Nov. 10, 1998 |
Former Govenor Rose Mofford |
Dec. 8, 1998 |