Phoenix Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter

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  • Place: Currently being moved

  • Time: 12:00 Noon on the Second Tuesday of the Month

  • Parking:

  • Lunch Cost: $15.00

The Phoenix Alumni Chapter
Meets on the Second Tuesday of Every Month.

Mark Your Calenders!
2000 Luncheon Speakers

Date Speaker
Jan. 11, 2000 Harry Mitchell - Former Mayor of Tempe and Current State Senator
Feb. 8, 2000 Ritual - New Location
Mar. 14, 2000 Keven Willey - Editorial Page Editor of the Arizona Republic
Apr. 11, 2000 TBA
May 9, 2000 TBA
Jun. 13, 2000 TBA
Jul. 11, 2000 TBA
Aug. 8, 2000 TBA
Sep. 12, 2000 TBA
Oct. 10, 2000 TBA
Nov. 14, 2000 TBA
Dec. 12, 2000 TBA

Past Luncheon Speakers

1999 Luncheon Speakers

Jan. 12, 1999 Federal District Judge Earl Carroll - Chief Judge of the US "Spy" Court
Feb. 9, 1999 Bill Woestendiek - Former Editor of the Arizona Daily Star Newspaper
Mar. 9, 1999 Jan Brewer - Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
Apr. 13, 1999 Jan Bender - Sportscaster, Arizona DiamondBacks Baseball Team
May 11, 1999 Steve Wilson - Newspaper Columnist for the Arizona Republic
Jun. 8, 1999 Polly Rosenbaum - Long time serving State Legislator
Jul. 13, 1999 Marshall Christy - Report on Grand Chapter
Aug. 10, 1999  
Sep. 14, 1999 Grady Gamage, Jr. - Speaking on City Growth issues
Oct. 12, 1999 Bob Early - Arizona Highways Editor
Nov. 9, 1999 Shawn Hunter - President of the Phoenix Coyotes Hockey Team
Dec. 14, 1999 Father Carl Carlozzi - Phoenix Fire Department Chaplian

1998 Luncheon Speakers

Jan. 13, 1998 Michael Bidwell - VP Arizona Cardnials Football Team
Feb. 10, 1998 Brian Sandwich - The Westerners
Mar. 10, 1998 Welcome the New Pledges from Arizona State University
Apr. 14, 1998 Judge Steven McNamee - US District Court
May 12, 1998 Bill Woestendiek - Former Editor of the Arizona Daily Star
Jun. 9, 1998 Dr. Robert Haines Iverson - President of the Arizona Chriopractic Association
Jul. 14, 1998 Dick Van Arsdale
Phoenix Suns NBA Basketball Team
Aug. 11, 1998 TBA
Sep. 8, 1998 Jeff Groscost
Speaker of the House
Arizona House of Representatives
Oct. 13, 1998 Cody Williams
Phoenix City Council
Nov. 10, 1998 Former Govenor Rose Mofford
Dec. 8, 1998 TBA